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Showing posts from March, 2023

Adapting the "Patient Gamer" mentality to the Tabletop Hobby

Don't believe the hype.

RR C1: The First Group of Player Characters

Meet the brave souls that will take the first plunge into the unknown depths of the newly discovered underground complex.

Warcry: Iron Golems

Blood for the Blood God and all that.

Pocket Landship (2017) - Solo Review

A tiny game for tiny breaks.

5PH: Campaign Turn 4 - Ambushing some Vigilantes

Self-proclaimed vigilantes are sabotaging heavy equipment of the local mining company. The Immortal Children are hired to take them out before they can cause any more damage.

RR C1: Generating the local campaign area and fleshing out the merchant house Goldenford

It's time to take a closer look at our local campaign area and the faction our PCs are going to belong to.

Warcry: Untamed Beasts

The GW release schedule is faster than my wallet can handle, so here are some 'old' 1st edition Warcry minis instead.

Dune Imperium - Worker Placement Deckbuilding Hybrid at its finest

 My 2nd favorite game in my collection and probably one of the best boardgames of the last few years.