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RR C1: The First Group of Player Characters

Meet the brave souls that will take the first plunge into the unknown depths of the newly discovered underground complex.


After a lot of worldbuilding in part one and two, we are finally at the point of character creation.

From now on, I'm going to switch over to playing the session before writing the blog post. For me, it's much easier that way, and for you, it will hopefully mean a more entertaining read without any meaningless clutter.

The Tools of Play

  • The main game: Worlds Without Numbers (Free Edition)
  • The main GM emulator: GEMulator
  • Character sheets: The FoundryVTT package for WWN
  • Tactical combat: FoundryVTT
  • Dice rolling: Mostly Manual (because it's more fun than digital dice)
  • Megadungeon generation: A different generator/tool for every level
  • Generative resources: Randomized for every situation (see this post for the concept)

The Party

In the spirit of Randomized Roleplay, I randomized as much of the character creation process that I could. Basically everything except the starting gear.

Attribute Rolls

Since this is a low/gritty fantasy campaign, I chose to exclude Mage from the possible Classes. This is what the dice gave us for our first group of adventurers:

The low ranking noble Yverose Honore of Goldenford, leading a rescue team with two hired mercenaries, her spy (disguised as her slave), and her henchman (a physician).

Art that perfectly fits our randomized ethnicity is obviously not available, so I went with the closest I could find. Dark skin and blond hair being the dominant factor.

The Leader
Yverose Honore (CE Warrior)
Level 1 Character Sheet

As the only aristocrat, and thus true member of Goldenford, she takes full responsibility for the expedition. She doesn't embark on this venture for glory or fame. Only the duty to her House and her faction drives her ever onward.

After a long and honorable career as a marine in the Goldenford trade fleet, Yverose was rewarded with the formation of her own noble House. As one House among countless others, she has everything to prove and nothing to lose.

The Slave/Spy
Betty Saint Hilaire (CE Expert)

Level 1 Character Sheet

Goldenford is a faction where intrigue is just part of normal life. It would be strange to not have spies or operatives in your entourage.

Betty has been in the employ of House Honore ever since its founding. She is completely loyal to her matriarch and would gladly sacrifice her life for the good of the House.

Usually disguised as a simple servant, she has now taken the role of a House slave aiding the rescue operation.

The Hired Muscle
Philippe Dominique (LG Warrior)

Level 1 Character Sheet

Having grown up with the Chosen Hunters in the rough wasteland of the North-East, Phillipe is used to a life without comfort and full of hardship.

Looking for a change of scenery, he traveled to the coast, where he quickly found work as a mercenary. Working for the rich merchants of Goldenford has proven to be quite lucrative, but Philippe doesn't really care about the money.

He yearns for mental and physical challenges that will push him to the very limit. A dangerous expedition into the unknown seemed like the perfect opportunity for that.

The Ranger
Edith Toussaint (LE Warrior)

Level 1 Character Sheet

Edith is a local ranger and guide for hire. She prides herself on her knowledge of unusual flora and fauna, for which Yverose Honore hired her.

The expedition offers a nice payday, but Edith's curiosity is by far her main motivation. She knows the surface like it's her back pocket, but what secrets are hidden beneath the earth?

Henchmen and Hirelings
Wilkens Seide (physician): Non-combat follower who's main purpose is the care of any people the expedition manages to rescue.

Mule and small cart: Mostly intended to carry extra gear and wounded people, the expedition manages to rescue.

Closing Thoughts

And that's our first party for this campaign. Even with three warriors, I feel like they all have a distinct identity, and I'm excited to find out how they fare down in the depths of the megadungeon.

Now, it's my turn to actually play the first adventure, and you're going to find out how it went down in the next blog post. Stay tuned.

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