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WoW RPG: Character overview and GEMulator approach

It's time to create my character and generate his first adventure!


In the previous post, we established the general premise and atmosphere for this campaign. Now, it's time to turn this into gameplay mechanics - starting with character creation.

In terms of character sheet, the official one from the back of the core book is a printer's nightmare. I usually prefer to keep a physical copy of my character sheets, but this is just absurd.

I couldn't find an alternative online, and I didn't want to spend the time to create a form fillable version of these sheets. Luckily, I found an Excel sheet version that the user Icycube posted on the Tapatalk forum. It even has some automation built in, so it's the perfect choice for this short test campaign. I can always create my own character sheet at a later date, if I like the game enough to play several Campaigns with it.

Alternative Download (in case the forum link doesn't work anymore) | all credit goes to Icycube

The Character

Being a 3.5/OGL game, character creation comes with a lot of bells and whistles. I'm only going to focus on the major parts of the character and do the rest behind the scenes. I start at level 5, so I can begin the campaign by looking for an animal companion.

Name: Uldihm Frostfavor
Race: Ironforge Dwarf
Class: Hunter (lvl 5)
Hit Points: 32 (I rolled low for level ups)

Abilities (4d6 drop lowest, assign at will): I rolled 15, 8, 9, 11, 6, 16.
Final numbers including racial modifiers and level 4 advance:
13 | Agility 16 | Stamina 15 | Intellect 6 | Spirit 8 | Charisma 8
Some major disadvantages here, but I went all in on the concept of a rough outdoorsman that prefers the solitude of nature over the crowded streets of Ironforge. The low mental stats will probably make things difficult down the line, but that's fine with me, as this isn't meant to be a grand and epic campaign.

Skill Ranks: Climb (1), Handle Animal (2), Heal (1), Jump (1), Knowledge (Nature) (2), Listen (1), Search (2), Spot (2), Stealth (1), Survival (2), Use Rope (1).
The -2 INT modifier really made itself felt here. The overall numbers are rather on the low side, and I'm afraid that our little dwarf will get himself into quite a bit of trouble in the wild.

Feats: Point Blank Shot (better at close range attacks and prerequisite for many feats), Precise Shot (Shoot into melee without penalty).

Equipment: A level 5 character is supposed to have a wealth of 9000gp. Plenty of room for shopping. I track ammunition and supplies in the background, but for the blog, I'll only list the major items or any equipment that becomes plot relevant.

  • +1 Long Rifle (2700gp)
  • +2 Leather Armor (4010gp)
  • Dwarven Waraxe (30gp)
  • Spyglass (1000gp)
As an Ironforge Dwarf, Uldihm can use a few exotic dwarven weapons as if they were martial weapons. I also bought a Climber's Kit and a ton of miscellaneous travel supplies. Uldihm will be running around with a full backpack and a medium load. He can always create a temporary camp and leave behind anything that would slow him down.

Starting the campaign

I'm using the GEMulator, so I have a few options for how I want to approach the start of this campaign.
I want to start the story by finding and taming an animal companion. The rest of the campaign, I will leave to the dice.

Seeing as I already have a concrete idea for the first adventure, I'm going to start by filling out the Adventure Log. Campaign parameters will come into play for the second adventure.

Stay tuned for the next post, where we're actually going to start the first adventure!


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