In need of table-ready minis that will only survive a few rounds? Slap Chop to the rescue!
These were just going to be some random bad guys that would most likely be cannon fodder, so I didn't want to spend too much time on them.

Painting them
As you can see in the pictures above, I went too light with the drybrush and the overall result is on the darker side. Would I do it again, I'd go heavier with the drybrush, so the colors popped more.
The metallic parts I kept equally simple and just used a base and wash combo. No extra highlights on any of the colors.
To contrast the darker paint scheme, I used some very vibrant tufts from Gamer's Grass.
Overall a very quick paint job that I did between drying times of other projects.
The weather conditions weren't great, so I used brush-on matt varnish instead of spray varnish. It actually reactivated some of the Speedpaints, but it's only visible on the left sleeve of the pistol wielder. Still annoying and something to be aware of for future projects.
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