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Dropfleet Commander: UCM Starter Fleet

This project was done over a year ago, but it's still fun to share, so here we go.

I had been watching and reading a lot of sci-fi the months before this project, so I wanted to paint some spaceships. I mostly own 28mm minis, so this was my first project in another scale.

These ships come from the Dropfleet Commander Starter Set, and I really like the look of the more 'mundane' human fleet. The alien ships don't look bad, but I wanted a hard sci-fi feel.
The material was great to work with, and the details are fantastic considering the scale.

The artwork in the book shows a theme with a really nice dark gray color scheme, but I went with what I had at hand, which was a Macragge Blue Primer from GW.
I didn't have a detailed plan when I started this project.
Just a broad concept of:

  • Blue armor plates for the main body
  • Metal guns and sensors
  • Some light color for variation on the armor plates
I could have spent way more time painting all the details, but I specifically decided to keep it simple. Not every project needs to take up dozens of hours. It's nice to have small palette cleansers in between larger endeavors.
All paint products were from Games Workshop.

Blue armor plates

  1. Primer: Macragge Blue
  2. Shade: Drakenhof Nightshade
  3. Overbrush: Macragge Blue
  4. Drybrush: Teclis Blue
  5. Very light drybrush: Calgar Blue
Weapons and sensors
  1. Base: Leadbelcher
  2. Shade: Nuln Oil
  3. Drybrush: Necron Compound
Lighter armor plates
  1. Base: Grey Seer
  2. Shade: Nuln Oil
Last Step: Very light drybrush with Necron Compound | Brushstrokes from front to back

The end result is a very simple but recognizable paint scheme that looks great on the table. A nice and simple project that was enjoyable the whole way through.


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