This is a project I did over two years ago, but I recently stumbled upon the images and thought it would be a good project to share as it is easy to replicate.
At the time, I was playing through the early Rangers of the Shadow Deep core book campaign and I wanted a medium terrain piece with height difference and a bit of line of sight blocking.
This all happened before I decided to create this blog, so I sadly took no pictures from the scenarios itself and only mediocre ones of the hill building process.
Looking through my available materials, I decided upon a simple hill with a cliff.
Cork bark for the cliff, expanded polystyrene (eps) as the basic structure, and thick cardstock as the base.
Cork bark for the cliff, expanded polystyrene (eps) as the basic structure, and thick cardstock as the base.
I cut the eps in the rough shape of a hill and hotglued everything on to the base.
After letting it dry, I glued rocks and grit all over the hill and spray primed it gray.
The hill got a basecoat of a warm brown, after which the cliff and all the rocks were drybrushed with some lighter tones. I experimented with a black and brown wash in the deeper recesses of the cliff, but the cork bark soaked most of it up, even with the primer.
I then finished it off with static grass, some tufts and flowers, and a bigger bush on the side.
I then finished it off with static grass, some tufts and flowers, and a bigger bush on the side.
I think it looks great on the table, and it has since then seen plenty of use during my gaming sessions.
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